A CHURCH From and for the city

Welcome to Purpose LA: a church from and for the city. We believe everyone has a God-given purpose in life. We want to help you discover and pursue yours. Our mission is to support our community, empower you to live out your purpose, and create an environment where everyone can feel at home. 

At Purpose LA, we don’t just talk about faith – we live it every day. We celebrate the beauty of being part of a diverse community, while still embracing our unique identities and perspectives. 

We understand that life can be hard, so we create spaces for people to connect with each other, form relationships, and build a strong foundation of support. Whether you’re looking for inspiration, motivation, or just to get out of your head for a few hours each week – we’d love to have you join us. 

This is your city and this is your purpose. Let’s discover it together at Purpose LA. 

See you soon! 

our Leadership

Purpose LA is a church birthed out of North Hollywood by Darryl and Tracy Speers. They have a passion for Christ and a love for the city, and envision a gathering of people committed to making the love and Good News of Jesus known to all people. Everyone is welcome here. This is a place where it’s okay, to not be okay.

What We Believe

  • There is one God - the creator of all things, perfect in holiness - who has revealed Himself in three persons: the Father, the Son, and The Holy Spirit.

  • Though God created humanity with moral perfection, the first humans rebelled against God, and all mankind since then has inherited the sinful nature of our fallen forefathers. Therefore all humans are by nature opposed to God and needy for salvation.

  • Jesus Christ is God the Son who existed before the world began. All things were created through Him. He came into the world He created born of a virgin, free from inheriting a sinful nature. He died in our place as a substitute and a sacrifice and was resurrected - defeating sin and death.

  • Mankind’s sin and rebellion against God make it impossible for us to save ourselves. Sin has created a debt that we cannot pay. Consequently, we cannot work off our sin debt by any amount of good deeds or our own righteousness. Jesus Christ offers salvation and forgiveness through trusting in Him alone. Therefore faith in Christ, alone, is our only hope for salvation. He offers it as a free gift that we receive through faith.

  • Those who truly believe in the Good News of Jesus are called to continue His work by sharing the love and Gospel of Christ to the world. We share Christ in words, and action.

“Where is your church?”

We are located off Victory Blvd. and Vineland Ave. at 10853 Victory Blvd. N. Hollywood CA 91606. You can come visit us on Sundays at 10AM or come alongside what we’re doing in the community. We are actively serving the city in various ways through compassion ministry, serving the vulnerable and fighting human trafficking. We believe that the church is the people, not a building.